

18. Calling Dimitri
Mia's P.O.V

It's been two days since I visited the doctor. I promised Perl I would call Dimitri that day but I didn't. I was so scared I was afraid he wouldn't answer my calls. I was afraid if he answered what he would say we haven't spoken since that day.

I took up my phone from the table next to my bed and I dial his number. I did this about a hundred times but I'm afraid to click call what if he doesn't answer fuck it I'm calling him. I clicked call and he answered right away. It's like he was waiting for me to call him.

"Hello princess" he said with his deep sexy voice.

"Dimitri hi" I said softly.

"What is it princess"

"Ummmm well I ummmm well umm I umm"

"C'mon princess spit it out"

" I , I ,I ummmm I ummmm" why can't I speak am I stupid I'm so fucking mad at me.

"Did you call to waste my time princess"

"No!" I shouted into the phone now why did I have to do that? I know his ears are sensitive.

"Sorry I want to have sex with you please" I blurted out. What the fuck am I saying I sound like an idiot I want to have sex with you please oh my I'm so embarrassed.

"Right now princess?" He said seductively.

His deep sexy voice sends shivers down my back. I want him, he's the only guy I want and that's why I don't believe I slept with that beast of a Demon.

"Is it ok for you?"I asked.

"No princess I'm not in the supernatural world I'm in the Demon world so I'm afraid we can't"

"You're lying, how does your phone work then?"

"Ok princess you got me I don't want to I'm mad at you and I'm conflicted I don't know if to believe that you slept with my brother or to believe that you didn't"

"Well if you want to find out Dimitri all you have to do is sleep with me"

Malic's P.O.V

Sometimes I wish our rooms were farther apart I hate hearing everything that goes on in Mia's room well even if it was farther away I still would hear because of my stupid super hearing sometimes I hate this power I can't wait to learn how to control it better.

I miss Mia. She hasn't spoken to me since the day she returned. I guess she overheard our conversation and she hates me now. I just wanted her to be punished so I would remain second in line for the throne and William would pass down the crown like he promised.

I guess I was being selfish. Some part of me knows Mia didn't sleep with that demon and I should've been a better brother and defended her instead of bad mouthing her for my own benefit.

I was just jealous of her. She's always been the better and smarter twin when it's going to be my turn, mom loved her more and now dad loves her more when it's going to be my turn.

Everyone who meets us always likes Mia more. The workers around the castle. Everyone likes her more and I don't get it. I'm nice so why does everyone like her more?

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