

The legend of the dragon warrior pt2
So now after five days of wandering on sea kelvin finally finds land on an island far away which was occupied by living strange stone creatures called the Dagonite angels who provide light to all of the world and the universe with the help of a magic lantern which was powered every year with Dagonite magic.

They accepted us with open arms, and taught us Dagonite magic and we all lived peaceful until twelve years later.

John u have to go to school; kelvin said to john.But I think I,ve discovered how to make rocks float without using magic ;John said

John grew up to get interested in other technological things and different scientifical things which weren't allowed in the dagonite village and he had caused many problem in his village and if he decided to do it again him and his brother would be kicked out of the village,they were given a small house and allowed to go to magic school.

The grand master told us that if u distress the village with any of ur technological believes we will be kicked out of this village; kelvin told john.

I know but...
no buts ;kelvin cut him short on his words,get ur bag and head to school u still need to perfect ur transformation, you're special I don't want u to waste that,and pls no more of that technical nonsense,I,ll see u after school i love u;kelvin concluded and kissed him on the head lightly.

meanwhile at the other kingdom of the dragon warrior,a famine stroke and there was no food so they had to scavage travel and take over different kingdoms and have the dragon warrior feast on their bones but it wasn't enough for the dragon warrior.one day they caught sight of a bright light coming from an island as the soldiers were travelling on sea and they reported back to the dragon warrior.

To be continued