

so.. hey myself Damian..
and a month ago.. my mom dad was scientist but they died after saving me..
but my mom's last words makes me cry
my mom said Damian I know you're birthday is today i know.. dear your in pain ok becuz of us we are really sorry
and we don't deserve you.. sorry
but after we leave you alone
don't be alone... ok and make your birthday Everytime ok..
and don't ever cry..
but we will not say goodbye to you cuz we will be always with you..
so go Damian...

teacher enters...

class monitor:- stand up say good morning to teacher...
teacher:- good morning students now sit up..
teacher:- so... someone is newly transferred to our school...
Yuri:- hey Anya
Anya:- yepp say Yuri..??
Yuri:- that new student we were talking recently..
Anya:- I think too..
teacher :- Damian come in..

Damian enters the class room..

Yuri :- wow.. he is so good looking.. Anya
Anya:- yeah so what..??
Yuri :- don't lie you were freezed for a second..
Anya:- Noh..!! I'm not interested on him cuz I like someone else ok..
Yuri:- hmm ok let's see later.. about this..😂

Damian:- so hey my name is Damian
I'm newly came from earth..

students:- 👏👏
Damian:- thank you..
teacher :- have seat
Damian:- yes sir..

teacher leaves

to be continue

© feel the words... 🥀