

For me being a female, feminism have been always a topic (which I presumed) is a well understood aspect without any debate or discrepancy. But with age I gained experience and with experience came the understanding that Feminism is one of the most misunderstood and debatble apsect.


In the past a few years suddenly people have the urge that our fairytales are misleading us and it needs to be tweaked properly keeping the feminist aspect of Equality in mind.

As in why Rapunzel needs a Prince, who is as a matter of fact male to resue her from the tower!

As in why Cindrella needs the arrival of a Prince who is again as a matter of fact male to give her a happy and prosperous life!!

I am surprised while quoting...
"Have we really become shallow to observe the beauty of Love, Faith, Belief, Perseverance and the quality of being the *EQUAL TO THE BEST OF OPPORTUNITIES AND PERSON* inspite of all fateful circumstances.

I think rather tweaking the tales we need to tweak our style of interpreting these fairytales. Because they aren't showing the Female Protagonist as weak and dependent but as the icon of strong women who rather setting the example of escapist and rebellious (when it wasn't needed) decided to accept and act what was happening around them without losing the hope upon the goods kept secretly for everyone.

The female protagonists of fairy tales were not only quick but also intelligent enough to figure out their right person, investing their faith and confidence in that person and not to forget a major part; that is, not making their innerself bitter for that troubled soul who was outwardly trying to trouble them!!

In my view, the character of these female protagonists have rich fathoms which can guide many others to be humble, modest, strong, derserving and above all making others feel that they are competent rather trying to show off others they should be provided equal competency.

© Amrita Chandan