

illusion 3
Soon piliyana found herself lockup in jail. What seriously she is queen but how?
if she is locked up how she can add more herbs to her basket I'm order to save piliyana.
How could she save piliyana.
Is she going to die without herbs.
Buts these language how could I understand and explain to them.
The place and the people both were now becoming so miserable with time.
But the main problem was now how to save one.
Ok fine the only solution is to skip the prision.
But what if I caught?
Would they will again send me to jail or even death sentence.
Oh! god how to escape now.
Am I going to have food here ,I feel so hungry.
Illiyana starts mumering to herself.
Oo child you think too much
how in small Brain you have
witness all siniouro which some of them might not either going to happen.
Excuse me- but who are you?
I'm guwaoza the bun who knows almost everything.
Everything what do you mean by this?
How could someone knew everything with so little height.- iliyana
guwaoza -Hahahahaha why the physical appearance owns you so much that every abilities you judge with it?
illiyana- What do you mean by that
guwaoza- My height how it can description my thinking and knowledge abilities?
my height is mine physical appearance which might be because of gene inherited from my ansentor.
But my abilities for knowledge is described by how hard I work to gain knowledge by studying, remembering, practicing, researching .
I have abilities to guide people stop them in going wrong path
because I observed think and mark.
Though illiyana was frighten to death but to hiding her expression on her face she question oho if you are so talented?
Then why are you here in the prison?
guwaozo- Answer you fool girl
you keep thinking the things which you see in surrounding
but fails to think beyond that.
Come follow me .
The large pumpking shaped light with googling eyes was illusing the brightness of whole room.
They shelf with rolled timber hanging over the it as to support the shelf with handovers books.
the room was tined with books
A cusion chair soft as mushroom to jump over it to climb height to bring the top books which where kept on shelfs.
The window was architect so fine that it has reflecting 7 images of one object with toom shapes.
The roof was so snoothing that it was refreshing the whole room with fresh air that it filters the brain.
Illiyana- wow what is this place called?
Did you live here,but why did I Lock up here?
Guwaozo - You are brought here to exam by me.
If I say you are danger for forest you would be use as food for chieraojoes if I say you are innocent then you might get allowance to move out .
illiyana- oh thank God I am not prisoner here.
So now ask anything questions you want and get satisfied and allow me to leave from here.
Guwaozo - What to let you go,
I believe in teaching rather then examining
As I said I know everything so that means I know the reason why you came to this forest.
What I have to pass the test in order to get my freedom.
And if I fail I will loose lose to death.
Now illiyana couldn't hide her scared face
her face itself was speaking how she much she was frightened.
She was just about to cry lound but somehow she was just controlling.

mo mo mo mo

© Priya kumari