

When Humanity Fades...
When things grew worse, it was like a domino effect, with behavioral changes ranging from lone hopping as you parade to a famed locust swarming form. Make a narrative out of it.

Crops were left unharvested, homes were left untended, and the once-clear streets were now filled with the constant hum of the swarming locust people. It was as if they had lost all sense of individuality, becoming a single, pulsing entity.

The village elder, a wise and aged man, tried to intervene, but even he was not immune to the strange force. He would find himself swaying to the rhythm of the swarm, his eyes glazing over as he became one with the locust-like mass.

As the villagers struggled to maintain their sense of self, they realized that the only way to break the cycle was to confront the source of the phenomenon. But what was it? And how could they stop it before it was too late? The fate of the village hung in the balance, as the people teetered on the brink of becoming a permanent, locust-like swarm.

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