

twenty one kills!
I still remember the first time my grandfather told me the story of '21 kills'
It is a story that would give anyone nerve wracking chills.
If you are not up for a story of horror and gore,
Don’t tread these waters, just stay ashore.
It was 1945 , the year my granddad returned from war.
He was going to marry his childhood crush ,my grandmother who was just 23 at that time.
He was a Lance corporal and she was a doctor.
They were the talk of the town ,not because of their love
But because of my dad , who was already born.
Soldiers, sergeants and Majors were all invited to the wedding.
“It was all because of this bastard” my grandfather pointed
To a grumpy lad at the far end corner in the photo.
He was a retired sergeant major, best in his battalion.
He retired not because of his age but because of his leg which he lost in the war.
It all started after a woman refused to dance with him,
She had said“ you’re a cripple” ,her words hit like a dart.
But she never knew he was also crippled , at the heart.
He went away and returned with a gun in his right hand and ' old monk rum ' in another,
He shot the girl who refused the dance .
Then he pointed at random men and started shooting at them.
20 victims were shot before they could run and hide,
One among them was the newly wed bride.
It took an hour for the police to get there.
They recovered 21 bodies .
Yes, the perpetrator was also one among the dead.
“ Did the cops kill him? “ I asked .
“ No I brought an axe to his head and hit him till he dropped dead “ my grandfather cried.
Some people in the town still think my grandpa was a hero who saved their lives
Some people say he was a survivor, but he and I alone know that
He was just a victim who never got shot.

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