

The Betrayal
Bergen, Norway, Eastern coast.
Colonel John Thokay stood at his bunker's viewpoint and,seeing German U-boats on the sea, thought to himself: I just realize that the Germans have an idea for a regime. My idea is to create a regime that unites the world against all the Outside Threats,which torments humanity in secret. John walks into his assigned bunker and, at an old radio, picks up the speaker.
John: Captain George Jackson, start the revolution in the palace. I want the king overthrown so I could save this world.
Captain Jackson: yes,colonel Thokay.
Captain Jackson, on the streets of Oslo, Norway, led John's Tan operatives towards the Norwegian palace.
Captain Jackson: Fire, now!!!!
The Tan assault tanks released two rockets at the building, which, from the inside, blasted and killed the king of Norway.

Meanwhile, at the CIA headquarters, Washington DC.
Agent Charles Karts and Agent John Mascews rushed to the command center and Director John Karchin turned around to face them. Charles and John were shocked at Karchin's expression.