

Unicorns and Rainbows
My name is Min.

I'm cruising downtown on my new motorcycle, my crush Haylie's arms around me. It's a hot summer, so I leave my buttons open and let my cotton shirt flap around. Haylie holds my waist tight and leans forward, about to whisper something probably sexy in my ear—

"ARISE VERMIN !" I hear someone yell as she draws the curtains, allowing sunlight to invade my room like spears. "It's Monday!"

I groan and throw the covers over my head. "Go away woman!"

Annoyingly enough, she comes and yanks them off me, exposing my body to the freezing morning air. I coil up and groan,


"You have school, get your àss off the bed."

Nine words that'll be the reason I eventually commit suicide. I yell, "No, school sucks! Everyone hates me, the food is shìt, the tables ain't comfy to sleep on, and Jax fùcking Kingston is gonna give me a welcome shiner! So NO! THAT'S FINAL."


Sisters are terrible. And Jaye is the worst of them all.

She drops me off at the parking area where some other students are loitering around. They all saw me at the back of my sister's bike and snickered about how lame I was, like the vain demons they were. I mean that literally, there were some demons amongst the students. That's because I go to a school for the gifted, in a fantasy world.

When I turned 16 I woke up here, saw a dragon cruising by my window and wondered if I was crazy. Now I'm 16 and a half, and I'm trying to fit into this crazy dimension. Quite unsuccessfully if I might add.

"See you after school, Teddy bear!"

Ugh, I already told her not to call me that in public. I so wanna die right now. I glance at my wrist to check the time so I could calculate how long I had to spend locked in my own locker before the closing bell... then I realized I don't even have a watch.

I groan and take slow, sluggish steps to the building, barely lifting my feet off the ground. It was like some invisible force of gravity was telling me to just stay there and not move until I rot, or hopefully someone runs over me with a car...

But then an uninvited guest descended from the sky. Seriously, he dropped from the sky. Jax Kingston has wings; majestic, huge and snow-white in his back. He earned the nickname angel because of that. Seeing them gracing his descent like he was salvation in the flesh. You could almost see the golden halo, the circling doves, the bright heaven light! You could almost hear the choir of angels!

He lands, raising a dust cloud that makes me cough and sputter, waving my hands in front of me. When I open my eyes again, he's right in front of me. Smirking.

I wanna punch it off his face, but that's just false bravado. I'm so weak, my wrist would break instead. I sigh. "I was hoping to get to first period in one piece."

He smiles, "That's okay, I can crush those hopes along with your body."

Here we go...

© 2023 by ravenizcul