

after hours {18+} 🔥
nestled in an alcove, museum after dark
this wasn’t their usual walk in the park

with just three minutes to go until close
security patrolled, one last tow

when all was clear, at last! lights out
breath between them, the only sound

while waiting and checking for signs of life
kisses were stolen, a welcomed surprise

after some time, they emerged from the dark
not a soul in sight, differences stark

feeling naughty and pleased with themselves
they roamed the corridors like bats out of hell

to feel youthful again, what a rush!
carefree and giddy, faces flushed

they went for a snoop through the gift shop
red carnation he snagged, off the countertop

entering an atrium, from double doors
windows from ceiling to floor

a glass sphere with hexagon panes
butterflies fluttered, monarchs reigned

she gasped in awe, beholding the sight
he took her hand, she squeezed his tight

magnificent gardens surrounded the pair
thick, heavenly florals perfumed the air

he extended his hand, monarch on sprig
apricot wings spreading, tiny legs jigged

he scooped it up gently, handing it to her
her expression lit up in sheer wonder

looking on, fixation in her eyes
his heart bloomed three times its size

she caught him, red-handed, eyes on her
he leaned in, a kiss, to quench his thirst

they sloped back in a slight tilt
papillon lifted away, graceful lilt

a strap of her dress slipped down with ease
baring her bronzed shoulder lying beneath

atop it, he placed a tender kiss
the feel of his lips, utter bliss

next, he ventured to her neck
sucking gently as he pecked

approving of this, she vigorously purred
his engine revved, desires stirred

he reached around to loosen her hair
chocolate strands fell, without care

some minutes passed, an interlude
slowly stripped, now in the nude

their forms like famed Venus and David
an artist’s vision, a canvas to be painted

though tucked away within the brush
it was her body that he thought to be lush

he traced her curves with looted blossom
the moonlight bathed his clavicle, her bosom

delightful tickles from her head to her toes
her neediness, it steadily rose

he showed her around like a good tour guide
she indulged in his knowledgeable ride

he explored her body like an exhibit floor
escaping her lips were whimpers for more

she drank him in like the wine at dinner
patience for completion growing thinner

beings blending, vision turning black
this special night, an aphrodisiac

knocking, knocking at her door
she belted out a satisfied score

their music reverberated through the halls
shaking, shaking—rattling the walls

it felt like all would come tumbling down
they’d sink into the earth until they drowned

he fell to her, heat searing her chest
melded they’d become, for a brief rest

together they had died a petite death
slowing now, the pace of their breath

basking in contentment, sweet caresses
his fingers entwined in her silky tresses

spooning now, not considering the hour
instead, savoring their time spent together

he sank his hand at her hip, her belly
monarch bounced upon them playfully

locked away at the mercy of staff
at their shenanigans, couldn’t help but laugh

for now, they thought, a little more play
remainder of night, until dawn of day


Story of a naughty couple who intentionally get themselves locked in a museum overnight. They stumble upon a beautiful butterfly conservatory, and get lost in the moment. Those butterflies sure got a show, lol!! I wonder if the couple made it out in the morning without getting caught. It’s up to you to decide! 😉

photo credit:
Dainis Graveris // Unsplash 📷

© branypoo

#sensual #erotic #mature
#steamy #naughty #couples