

The Kind Man
Once there was a girl named Maria. She was very poor and hardworking. She was of 11. She dose all the domestic work of her house herself, like cooking, washing, cleaning etc. She was very honest, decent and always admired her parents for everything they gave her. One day she was cleaning her house as usual.

And from there only Principal of Arcon school Mr. John was passing through the way. He saw Maria sweeping her house and thought 'she is very young and is doing all this household work herself without anyone's help' The man went there to her and asked

Mr. John : Hey! Little girl, What's your good name?
Maria : My name is Maria, but who are you? (she asked in a anxious way)
Mr. John : Relax!  Relax!
l am not the one you're thinking about means, l am not a kidnapper l am Principal of a school, l wouldn't harm you.
(he understood that Maria is very self-defensive and it made him happy because in his school also he always used to tell his children about kidnappers and people with bad intentions and then their what self -defense plays role)

Maria : But how can l trust you, give me some proof then only I'll trust!
(Mr.John was very kindhearted person but short tempered, So, he got a bit angry)
Mr. John : l can show you any proof for whatever you ask me!
(after getting irritated he said)
Mr. John : l will show you my ID
Maria : But l can't read, l'm not educated
Mr. John : If you are not educated it doesn't matter but anyways l'll  show you the proof.
(and he saw a young boy passing through the way, he stoped him and said)
Mr. John : Hey! Can l just take your a moment? Actually l want to ask you something...
Boy:  Ya! Sure ask
Mr. John : Are you well educated?
Boy : Yes l am
(then Mr. John showed him his ID, just after a while the boy says)
Boy : Sir, you are the Principal of Arcon School! (a fictional name) My nephew studies in your school and he praises all the teachers very much, and most specially you that you are very kind hearted, forgiving and a awesome human. Thanks sir for taking care of him.
But l don't understand why you want me to see this?
(Mr. John said very politely)
Mr. John : First of all, please don't mention it and yeah secondly actually for some reason l was telling this little girl that l'm a Principal of a school but the little girl thought l am a kidnapper.
(The boy said to Maria)
Boy : No he is not a kidnaper even he is a very kind hearted man.
(then Maria came to believe and said)
Maria : Oh Sorry Sir!
Mr. John : Doesn't matter Maria.. Can l talk to your parents?
Maria : Of course Sir
(Then Meera took him to to her parents and made the man introduced to her parents)
Mr. John : Your daughter is very talented she should be educated
Her parents : But we don't have money to send her to school
( Mr. John always wanted to educate a poor kid without talking money. And Maria was the lucky one)
Mr. John : Umm... OK No need to take tension for that. l will provide her every facility for proper education, you just alllow me from today may l take the responsibility of your daughters studies?
Her parents :  But how will you afford that much! And you don't even know us!
Mr. John : For such hardworking girl l would love to afford whatever l can and this much l can easily... So from now l have the responsibility of her education. l will buy her books and Yeah as you know l am a principal of a school. So, l'll give admission to her in my school and without taking a single penny from you
(Maria always had a dream to be educated and today her dream was accomplished just because of a kind Man. She was very happy and overjoyed and her parents were happy too)
Her parents : Thank you so so much! We don't know how to thank you. We never saw her that happy than before and this just because of you
Thank you so much
Mr. John : Oh it's OK. Please don't mention it.

(And after a few days she started getting studied and got a proper education that a child should get. And Maria was very thankful to the man from the bottom of her heart. After a few months Mr. John decided to organize a writing competition in his school and thought by doing this he will even come to know that what has Maria learned till now then he went to her house Maria saw him from her House's window the moment she saw him she just rushed away to him)

Maria : Good Evening Principal Sir
Mr. John :  Good Evening. Actually l came here to tell you that you will be having a writing competition in school after a month you have time to write a story for it. But Will you participate in it?
Maria : Sure! I would love to participate
Mr. John : Oh that's Nice. So, l wish you luck!
Maria : Thanks Sir

(and then she wrote a amazing story which was on Mr. John only and then the day of the competition came. She submitted her story. There were many children who were participating , and than after a few days the result came. Maria got the 3rd position and she was very happy. She got a certificate also which was given to her by Mr. John only and then she participated in many contest and got victory and defeat)

Time passed away and now she was a young, well educated🎓 smart and a self dependent woman even she got a good job also and then one day she returned the money to Mr. John, spent on her studies. ✏

So, this story is just to spread a message of Kindness. And yeah this story can have a lot of Morals, one of them is this. 🙂

Moral - Hard work can make us reach to any peak even it's too high...

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