

The Chronicles of Us ( Chapter 9)
Chapter 9- Destiny Revealed

That old lady replied, “Your majesty, you are our king of Paradise Kingdom.” We nodded, thought that she mislooked us by mistake. We ignored and asked her the way to the palace. She showed the way with please. We thanked and expressed our gratitude and moved out. We were wandering out there on the woods seeking for our mom and dad. We saw an old building a few stones away from us. We headed there quickly. As we get into the building, we witnessed a fight between a man and a few brigands. We hid ourselves and peeped the fight. That man’s face were covered and he was trying his level best to defend himself from the brigands. But, he got weaker as his legs were injured due to the cut of swords. I felt bad and my inner voice was ragging me to help him. I glimpsed at Albert. He understood and got himself into the fight. I was not worried at all because Albert was a black belt holder, he knees taekwando very well. He fought tremendously as his opponents were as equal as him. Finally, he managed to defeat all of them. In the meanwhile, I tried to help that man who badly injured with deep cuts and bruises on his legs. I immediately went into the woods to collect some herbs and weeds for the quick healing. I knew this traditional way of curing because I have a qualified diploma of Herbal Medical Cure. I got back there and started my treatment. That man looked into my eyes as he knows me very well. He grieved in pain, Albert accompanied him. After a while, he introduced himself as the King of Paradise Kingdom. We were very grateful of helping him in such vain and bowed with full of respect. He, then removed his scarf from his face. I saw Albert. I mean two Alberts. They were a likely looking. I was flabbergasted, so do Albert.