

The Destiny of Mankind
*"An intelligent Being Created and Designed Creation, he can't be a dummy not to have a purpose for creating every created entities or beings; Taking a step further to conduct an adequate research to discovering such purpose is the very first step of living in this world"*

We are not a free flying object with no magnitude nor direction, We find our true living and existence in our creator, who also is our savior and Lord and ultimately our Father.

Any man who hasn't discovered the reason of his existence in this world hasn't started living. The measure of a man's life is weighed not upon the speculations of men but on the eternal weigh and balances of the intelligent Creator that created all. His design is that all will enter into his Life and start living from there.

He wishes to reveal his fatherhood and his multifaceted treasures and riches within his created entities and this will be possible when his created entities is in perfect synchrony with him and his life.

To do this, he chose a vessel to do this, Man- Adam, Adam was designed by God to be in his image and Likeness. He was meant to carry the resemblance of God, He was adorned with so much...