

COMPANY (Part 1)

A young lady in her pajamas is removing the spoiled food from the fridge and replacing them with fresh ones when she receives a call from Los Angeles, from a receptionist in Glass House Company.

(Their phone conversation)

Dova: hello

Receptionist: This is Lent calling from the glass house company, am I speaking with miss Lemohang Dova?

Dova: yes, I’m Dova

Receptionist: You have been selected to participate in the 2004 Glass House competition and you are to be in the building at exact 9:00am or you will be disqualified. When you arrive at the airport one of our staff will be there to pick you up, that will be all have a nice day miss Dova

Dova: (excited) thanks.

“Dova makes a phone call to her mother in Australia telling her about her progress with the competition, as she continues packing her stuff for school”

(Their phone conversation)

Dova: (excited) mum. Guess what?

Mother: baby you know I am not good at guessing, just tell me

Dova: ok, I was selected to participate in the competition

Mother: wow that’s good news I hope..

(dova cut in)

Dova: oh my God i am late for school, mom I have to go now, I will call you later, ok. Love you bye.
(she droped the call )
(Dova Ext)(Door closes).

To be continued.........part 2