

Forever yours, The one


Stars are moving on but I’m staying home. I wonder and I ask myself, where did I go wrong?
It must have been this way…One of her favourite boy bands, Eleventy Seven’s song,
Yesterday’s Glues blasted so loudly in her head she thought it would explode.
She was sad, depressed and at her wits end. If she could just die! Not that she’s even suicidal
but at the moment she wished she had the courage. A terrible cry left her lips and she burst into
tears. Stop this! She scolded herself. What good will it be anyway? As a well brought up girl
in the church, she wasn’t ready to answer to God by taking her own life! But she can’t erase
the memory of Tyler St. James, her fiancé telling her they couldn’t move ahead with the wedding.
She squirmed.

He's made her a laughing stock. And her family, she cried how they will take this! Why Tyler,
why?! She thought she had all things figured out. She has a perfect job, a soon-to-be husband
and cute little ones after the marriage. After all, she’s been that perfect daughter every parent
dreamed off and the type others used as a yardstick. She hated it all the time when her mom’s
friends will throw it in their daughters’ faces. Can’t you be like Zuri? So respectful, so calm
and collected and not running around with several men. She always received glares upon glares
at all public places she knew that it’s contributed to her not having friends. Here she was today,
a mess. How will she face the world now when they hear her wedding was cancelled a week to
the event? Really Ty, really? Tyler was with her wedding planner. She still felt dazed anytime
she thinks about it. All this time that woman was taking her for cake tasting, showing her
variety of décor and reporting back to her any opportunity she got, she was just after her man?
How could she possibly smile at her and watch her fuss about all these preparations, knowing
very well she and Ty had something special. Apparently, they were high school sweethearts
and even at college. That was pretty long to severe any ties they have but seriously if things
were that bad how do they still have feelings for each other. Up until now she hasn’t met any
whose old bonds merited anything but now, she was living the nightmare. She wished Tyler
had told her earlier to save her the trouble. She loved him very much but she would have
understood, at least so she thought. A sharp pain escaped around her chest region. Choosing
the planner over her cut so deep she thought she will never fall asleep.

A cool hand touched her face as sun rays filled her room. Wait, what day was it? She opened
her eyes slowly and tried to focus. “Ohhhh” her head hurt. She bolted from the bed and swung
at Tyler who was arranging a vase she probably knocked over on her night stand. “What do
you want here”, she demanded.
“I know you are hating me right now but listen to me, Zuri, I-”
“Hate you? I despise you” she cried in agitation. Why are you here, huh? You think I’ll work
myself up and eventually die, huh. Well, good news, Tyler. I’m not ready to die. You are
She broke down and fresh tears spilled down her cheeks. “Help me, O God”. She rocked herself
as Tyler tried to calm her down.
“I am so sorry. Really I am”. He reached out for her.
“Don’t you dare touch me”, she screamed. “Get out! Get out of my house now!”
“I cannot leave you here all alone in this state. Please, let me help you”
“Out! Now! And give me back my key” She snatched it from his hand and practically drove
him to the door. Before he could say another word, she slammed the door in his face. The nerve he had coming to her house to console her. She broke down on the floor and wept. Oh Gayle,
she sighed, I need you.

© Efe_