

a depressed teen girl
One day it was a girl. She hated herself because she thought she was ugly and fat. One day she decided to hurt herself. So she went on a fridge and she was ready to fall. But.... A boy shout:"Why?. Why are you doing this?Why you want to die? Just take a minute and think of all those things you will lose. Your friends, your pets. And of course your family. What would you do if your daughter hurt herself? Won't you be sad, depressed? Uh?"The girl responded with tears in her cheeks:" But...I'm so ugly and so fat. No one will ever love. The boy said:"But you aren't. When I look at you I see the most beautiful person in the world. I loved you for so long but I was shy to tell you. See? You're so beautiful. You just can't see that. But please don't jump. I can show you how beautiful the word is. Just give me the chance. Please. I beg you. Don't jump!!" The girl starting crying. All those touching things this boy have said was what she wanted to hear. The boy was slowly approaching her. When he was right next to her he grabbed her hand and pulled her back. She hugged he and burst into tears. She apologized for what she was going to do. The boy told her :"you don't have to apologize to me. Apologize to yourself.Just promise me that you won't do it again ." Before they notice many people gathered and was watching this touching moment. Now the girl and the boy are the cutest couple and nothing like this gonna happen again.