

The dream of yusuf alaihis salam
PART 01:
(based on true story)
Sometimes dreams have special
meanings, which we do not
understand. Allah blessed Yusuf
(as) with the ability to interpret
dreams; he knew what dreams
meant and could explain them to
The King of Egypt had a troubling
dream that nobody could explain.
The king dreamt that seven fat
cows were eaten by seven thin
cows. He then saw seven healthy
ears of corn and seven dry and
shrivelled ears of corn. The King
was troubled because he could not understand the dream, and no one could explain it to him. The
King’s servant knew of Yusuf (as) and his gift, and asked Yusuf (as) to interpret the King’s dream.
With the gift Allah had given him, Yusuf (as) interpreted the King’s dream. The dream meant that for
the next seven years there would be plenty of crops and food throughout the land. But, for seven
years after that, there would be famine throughout the land. There would be no crops and not
enough food for the people to live on.
When the King heard Yusuf (as)’s interpretation of the dream, he freed Yusuf (as) from prison. The
King was so impressed with Yusuf (as)’s character and wisdom that he asked Yusuf (as) to work for
him. Yusuf (as) agreed and asked to be put in charge of the food storehouses in Egypt so that he
could prepare the land for the seven years of famine, which would follow the seven years of plenty.