

Entrapped: Prologue
'It's going to be alright',
'It's just a nightmare', 'It'll soon be over', none of these words are true, and nothing is ever going to make me feel better. It's been 48 hours, no sign of daylight, no sign of hope, just immense, unnatural darkness; lost in a paranormal dimension, still finding my way out.

I was searching for my brother when all of a sudden, I heard a noise; when I turned back to see what it was, I found myself facing a wall. I remembered clearly that the wall was not there before because I had just walked from there. Then, I heard my brother calling out my name, at a distance not too far from me and yet, I could not find him. Every time I feel like getting closer to his voice, it faded away.

We were trapped! and I had already said it before that living in a century old mansion was not the right idea for a summer vacation, but my brother, the stubborn head he is would not listen. He insisted upon going here for an 'adventure', even after knowing that this mansion is haunted. But as his twin sister, I was just concerned about him, so I had no choice but to accompany him.

There were seven of us- me, my brother, his three best friends, our cousin Luna and my best friend, Pershia. We reached this place, around 5 o' clock in the evening the previous day. Before we did though, we had encountered two strange looking old men who told us that a lot of people went missing in this mansion - they never came back. But then my brother, a troublesome fellow and a thrill seeker, paid no heed to this warning, and kept saying that this would be fun.

FUN!...now that we are all apart, not knowing any single direction we can take that will help us get out of here or even worse, now that I have no damn clue about where the rest of our friends are, oh yes this must be the right idea for fun!

I know I'm panicking a lot at the moment, but seriously how can I not? I remembered that we were just taking a look around the mansion as soon as we got here. We left our bags and our other things in the rest room which was just a few inches away from the front door. But as we were walking through the corridors, it took me a while to realize that we were all separated.
To make matters worse, I also realized that I left my phone inside my bag. I tried to find my way to the rest room to retrieve it but to no avail. When I had lost all hopes of finding it, I began searching for my brother but like I previously said, whenever I feel like getting closer to him, his voice begins to fade away.

[A prologue from my wattpad story.
Lemme know if I should Continue it.]

© Filia💞