

When my Nightmare becomes a Reality - (Ep 5) Cursed Person

Aura saved the Charlotte who was trapped in the hole. She even took her to a hospital and paid for her bills. Then, Aura went to the old woman's flower house.
The woman tells that she been blessed and her power can't be taken.


"You can break this power by breaking another one's curse with kiss. And once you break a curse of the person in the blue moon night and you will grant a wish".

"Blue Moon? Are you out of mind? Blue moon arrives once in a lifetime. I can't
wait until then. At least let me know how can I reduce the power".

"You can't reduce but you can be harmless only with the person who has a curse and can be broken with the blessed person's kiss".

"Cursed Person?", she thought.

She sadly chuckles and she left.

Aura was shocked and surprised after hearing everything from that woman. "I can't believe", she told to herself.

"Why!? Why did she choose me?... And moreover, how did she know about my family?", she thought.

She was annoyed. "Cursed person!? How will I know about that person? And how can I spoil my first kiss with someone who has been cursed....?".


"Is my life adopted from Cinderella and Beauty the Beast??!", she thought.
The beginning of this disaster was the traffic jam..... And why did I help her at that moment?.

This stupid life story. If I tell this to Aida and Samy, they do laugh at me and tell that I'm insane.

Yeah I'm will be crazy.... Sooner.

But, I can only see danger through my dream right. What if I don't sleep and let's see what happens?...., she thought.

But... What will I do to not to sleep?...

Aura waited till 2 am.
She couldn't control her sleep. Her eyes are tired. And each time she closes her eyes, she sees a building.

And somehow she slept by 6 am.

She woke up at 11 am and looked at the window. "Did I sleep?", she thought.
Aura looked at the clock and was shocked to find that she was late for her class. And of course she had to miss her classmate's birthday party.

She closed her eyes and remembered her last night dream. It was...........

---------------Summary of episode-------------
The woman told that to break the power, she must break someone's curse with a kiss and the person will grant you a wish.
But the thing was a cruse could break only in BLUE MOON....One more thing is that the person who has curse can protect her.

Aura was cursing herself for meeting the old lady. She got an quick idea to not to sleep. But her plan failed completely. And also she missed a birthday party of her classmate. She even missed her classes today.
And her dream was.....

What was her dream? How can she save another life with clues? And who is that prince that can save this princess?
I hope you love this episode ....

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Written by ~@Hazel._.choco2378
Stay Tuned for next coming episode...
