

last meal.
In an undivided circle whereas nothing doesn't matter or equal to findings of a new coat; Is the divine touch of a soft couch. Being displayed as the old one before it was washed away to another good home. A pot of rice is the only way to heal thy soul from disrupting others into the wrong intercetion. Due to a high throw in the air runs pass the light to another goal to achieve in life. In life a few turns lead the way to the last meal. The last meal standing alone in greed and comfort of its very own seal. There is no cover to justify the real. A sensational call home: The answer rises immiediately and walks away cautiously. A new ride to teach a new breach of its contact modifies its own feast. Amongst every angle and symmetrical views planted high above the ceiling leaves an empty feeling; There is nothing to peal. Home lays under the heart of black eyes and mind of pies. Whereas, a new edition of its finest fries has been worn and torn into pieces near the flies. No trouble in sight, and the bad behavior is dead to pick a fight. Cluless and pointless of another interest that opens the book to lifes' tragic moments. In daily living, a beat of more meat keeps the mind neat. Down the aisle , apraise of better days, hope,faith and justice is served respectfully on the table without any cable. Oh no, have you seen my beagles? My cheek turned left and jumped to the next picture. A perfect frame of its prize is stored and replaced with another meal....
#Thelastmeal holds its pressure and emotions to sacrifice ones truest taste of being too caring. The future awaits and is first in line to accompany a healthy, wealthy, strong, and powerful successful life everyday and more to jump through easily.
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