

Love vs Revenge
When you are placed together by God you will face opposition and jealousy.  As a woman I have faced it head on and it almost broke me until God reminded me of who I was.    In 1998 I met my first true love.  We were not the ideal couple but we were perfect for each other.  We had haters that got angry because I stopped hanging with the girls as much but the girls weren't talking about being my husband.  They weren't talking about being a father to the kids that I wanted to have.  They only wanted to drink and dog the men that used them previously for sex.  I was beyond that and wanted more than to hang out with miserable women.    After 2000 hit and came in with a blast I was still with the love of my life.  He made sure I was good because by this time I was pregnant and tired of throwing up that it wasn't funny.  He couldn't always get to me when I was sick but he called to check on me and our twins that I was carrying. When he could make it down he would come in and lay down with me after i had had a trying day at work. he would lay his head on my stomach and just kiss me right where he laid. He did this all the way until i lost the babies and that is when he told me something that I would have never thought he would have said..... "It's ok baby we can make another."  Well i was not in agreement at that point because i wished he could have felt the labor pains but he couldn't. But nevertheless he stayed.   It was in this vunerable state that my roommate devised a plan with her hating friends to break us up so that I would want to hang out with the girls again. After I lost the twins my love would come to my job sometimes to just check on his future wife and one day he showed up after telling me that he had to work all week as a surprise. I was called out of my office and told you have a visitor. I walked out to be greeted with the warmest smile and hug and my first sgt was like go ahead and talk to him outside you have my permission. I was so glad that I was a good soldier and that I did all my work with ease and with no lip. I walked out to stand with him laughing and talking and asked him, baby I thought you had to work. He responded with I switched with a friend so I could see you. After those warm words he did something that he knew could get me written up but at that point after losing our kids I don't think either of us cared. He just simply leaned in with a kiss that made me want more but I was at work and had to get back in there to get the rest of my work done.  Later that night I called my best friend and told her of what had transpired and she was just as giddy as I was but not knowing that this was just the fuel that my roommate needed to set her trap. You see the enemy doesn't care who he uses and that day he used her. Jealousy is a buggerbear just so you know. She contacted her friend and they got with the friend's boyfriend and made the story sound like it hapened on another day but the day in question I was not on the base. The night that the lie was to have taken place I was with my bestie and her boyfriend headed to surprise my love and spend some quality time with him. I walked in his barracks and went to the fireguard desk and asked for him and not knowing that the guy at the desk was in on the plot I was lied to and then I left and went back to my barracks room to drink me a few beers and vodka shots alone and sleep off the depression.   By that weekend the lie had gone full circle and I had wondered why I hadn't heard from the man that I love. I would call my cellphone that I gave to him so we couldn't lose contact and he wouldn't answer. I called his job and he was never there. I was feeling lost without my lover and best friend. I stayed in my room so much after that.   One day my bestie called me up and said girl you have been in that room too long let's just go to the club and I agreed. I had no idea that he would be there but I went and he snubbed me. I couldn't fault him when i found out what was done but I did want revenge. I wanted it against him for treating me like I wasn't the woman that he claimed to love. And I wanted it against the broad that dared to mess with my relationship. 

to be continued......
© Sista Alia