

Presence 🥰
Having a person who always lifts your mood up is the most gifted thing that you have
Yeah , this is my story, and it's all about the person's presence.
"Somedays were be passed without even having any kind of happiness and enjoyment ....Why , we all are making ourselves imprisoned for the stupid trauma that happened inside our heart by others.
That's unnecessary we should be able to make ourself happy again and at any situation we shouldn't always wait for some other person to lift ourself up again"
this all the point that she has in her mind
And He Started to express the things that he always has in his mind
"Whatever may be the situation, eventhough we can make ourself happy again and we can love ourself at any worst situation...Still having a person who always wants to be with us in order to make ourself happy and at that point we will feel more comfortable with them , that's the thing we all need in our lives "
Two different views,two different persons and two different minds yet wanted to be together by heart
May be , what kind of relationship is this? who knows but still this continues because the presence of our favourite person matters...❤️
© yara