

#The way we feel#

The heart is ever growing and glowing, ever wanting and receiving things that can't be seen but mainly felt inwardly.
In everything we do in life we always want to be recognised, be it with family members or friends, that is why we always search for our self first in a group photograph before taking note of anyone..once our effort yield recognition we feel satisfied and fulfilled. Even when we are successful in our own eyes,if it does not calls for others giving us praises and showering sweet fragrance words on us showing recognition, we strive for more effort. Once you are in a group and don't feel appreciated you change your group quickly, and move for better one.
There is the saying ..." once they don't appreciate what you bring to the table, let them eat alone".
In all said, we all want to be appreciated no matter how little the things are.
Appreciate others today and see how they will reciprocate this gesture.
