

Let's Chant Anyway
7 July 2021
Welcome to the Jawahar Lalla #Blogs Page.@jawaharlalla #Jawaharlalla
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Jai Shri #Radhe Krishna.
Let's Chant Anyway.
Today is exactly one month since my beloved, adorable & most endearing mom left us for her next divine journey.
She was a strong-willed power woman till her last breath she was doing all her tasks. I would sincerely request all my readers to pray for her so her divine soul rests in God's abode & settles in her next rebirth.
It is said when we pray, God listens,
when we listen, God talks, when we believe, God works!
Our mind would keep wandering all over the universe when we chant, let's chat anyway.
Our minds would be wandering to the past and previous incidents when we chant. Lets chant anyway.
We are not able to concentrate on Shri Krsna's names while we chant. Lets chant anyway
We have no taste, no time, no place for chanting. Lets chant anyway within our thoughts.
We are making mistakes in the pronunciation right mantras. Lets chant anyway
We should be praying to God Krsna to help us to overcome today's pandemic & difficult times. Lets keep chanting anyway to keep all of us safe in his divine blessings.
We can't chant in the morning, we can't chant at night at whatever time available to us. Lets chant anyway.
There is no vow like chanting the holy name, no knowledge superior to it, no meditation which comes anywhere near it, and it gives the highest result.
No penance is equal to it, and nothing is as potent as the holy name.
Chanting is the greatest act of holiness and the supreme refuge.
Chanting is the highest path to liberation, peace, and eternal life.
It's the pinnacle of devotion, the heart's joyous proclivity and attraction, and the best form of remembrance of the Supreme Almighty.
Whoever continuously chants Lord Krishna's holy name, even in his sleep, can easily realize that the name is a direct manifestation of Krishna himself, despite the influences of Kali-yuga.
(As quoted from Adi-Purana).
🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹@Jawahar Lalla #jawaharlalla#jawaharlallablogs7#jaishriradhekrishna#spiritual#indiagods.

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