

Chapter Twenty-Six

Lana's P.O.V

I was laying on my bed with a pillow over my head. Candy and Mark were literally cursing each other for whatever reason. It's 12:00 at night. I tried sleeping but it's no use.

I got up off my bed and went down in the room to them.

"Ok! It's late at night and I want to sleep! So can someone please tell me what the he'll is going on."I yelled.
"Nothings going on."Candy said.
"So why are you arguing?"I asked.
"We are not."Mark said.
"I was sleeping peacefully in my bed when I heard glass breaking and you two yelling at each other!"I said.
"Ok, maybe we where."Mark said.
"And what could you both be arguing about?"I asked.
"First she told me that she doesn't want to get pregnant and then she told me earlier today that she wanted a baby and right now she's doesn't."Mark said.
"So this is all about a child that isn't born yet or will ever be."I said.

I sighted.

"Candy? could you please come with me?"I asked.

We both walked inside another room.

"Do you or do you not want to have a baby?"I asked.
"I don't know."She said.
"Ok, do me a favour. And go and tell your boyfriend that you don't know. And make him understand so I can get some sleep. So I can see my boyfriend in the morning!"I said.
"I understand."Mark said.
"Jesus!...Where you listening?"I asked.
"Whatever, good night."I said.

I went back to the guest room and laid down and tried to sleep again.

"That was nice of you."Someone said.

I smiled.

"I thought you weren't coming back until tomorrow."I said.
"It is midnight."He said.
"I guess it counts"I said.
"I have a question."He said.
"Why are you so kind?"He asked.
"What do you mean?"I asked.
"You are just so kind, when your with Sophie when your with me, when your with anybody. Why?"
"Well maybe I've been, hurt alot and I wouldn't want to hurt anyone so I decide to be really nice and kind to them."I said.
"How much have you been hurt?"He asked.
"My hands."I said.
"No, I mean emotionally. How much have you been hurt emotionally?"He asked.
"Um....I...dont know...uh..... I guess when I lost Marsa the only person who ever cared for me, and how much I've been telling myself 'I wish I was dead' When Noah was abusing me, and how I felt so empty when I thought you died, and when your mom kicked me out I felt like I was being drawn away from you......"
"You don't have to say anything more if you don't want to. I know that there's no way I can make you feel better about that. But I'll always be here for you, I'll always be protecting you it doesn't matter where I am."He said.
"I know."I said.

I kissed him.

"Do you think that you could make me a promise?"I asked.
"Yeah."He said.
"Please don't make me think that I've lost you, ever again."I said.
"Why would you think that you've lost me?"He asked.
"Because you left."I said.
"I didn't leave you, I was right by your side. I'll always be there."He said.
"Do you promise?"I asked.
"Yes."He said.

He went on top of me.

"Always and forever. Why do you love me so much?"He asked.
"Because you love me."I said.
"Am I a good boyfriend to you?"He asked.
"Yes"I said.
"Even though I kill people?"He asked.
"It's obvious that it was for a reason."I said.
"But I killed innocent people also when I was younger."He said.
"I'm guessing you didn't understand what you where doing back then."I said.
"What if I kill someone close to you."He said moving his face closer to mine."Would you be sad or angry?"
"Maybe, it depends on who you kill."I said.
"What if I mistakenly kill Candy?"He asked.
"Well, I'd be heartbroken and decide to have space from you for a while."I said.
"So you'd break up with me?"He asked.
"No!"I said.
"What if I hurt you?"He asked.
"I don't know."I said.

He kissed me.

"What if one day I loose control and decide that I want to drink your blood."He said.
"Maybe I'd run, or..."
"Or?"He asked.
"I don't know."I said.
"Would you hate me?"He asked.
"Maybe."I said.
"ok"He said.

He started kissing my neck for a few seconds then stopped.

"And what would you do if I where to bite you right now?"He asked.

He continued kissing my neck. I felt his hand as it slid down my chest to my stomach he he took my shirt in his hand. And literally tore it of me.

"Um.....maybe....I'd push you away."I said.

He stopped and looked at me.

"What if I was a vampire who loved killing and wouldn't stop but I somehow love you and didn't want to kill you?"He asked.
"I'd still love you and I'd try and stop your addiction for killing."I said.
"What if I breakup with you right now, would you still love me for breaking your heart?"He asked.
"It's pretty clear that your never breaking up with me, So there is no answer to that question."I said.
"Do you like it when I talk to you?"He asked.
"Yes."I said.
"Do you like my voice?"He asked.
"Yeah."I said.
"What else do you like about me?"He asked.

Then continued on my neck.

"Your eyes.."
"Your personality and charm.........."

He stopped and looked at me.

"Don't say anything else."He said.
"Your smile."I said.

He got up off me and I sat up as my shirt fell off my shoulders.

"I just have one last question to ask."He said as he took off his cloths in front of me them came back over.

"Would you like this?"He asked as he began kissing me.

At 9:00

I woke up beside him who was awake staring at me.

"Do you even sleep at all?"I asked.
"Maybe."He said.
"So how comes whenever I wake I see you staring at me?"I asked.
"Because I love watching you sleep."He said.
"Can I at least wake up once, just once with you asleep?"I asked.
"No"He said.
"please?"I asked.
"I'll think about it."He said.
"The only way I'll see you asleep is when your in a coffin."I said.
"Maybe."He said.

I got up taking the sheets with me.

"Hey! It's like I haven't seen you naked before."He complained.

I ignored him and went to take a shower, then I felt his hand rapping around my waste.He pulled me closer to him.Then he spun me around and look at my face then hee stared at my neck and smiled.

"You have a hickey."He said.
"Gee wouldn't I want to know where it came from."I said.

I took a shower and he just watched me. I don't know if that's weird or....

I walked out and put on a towel he grabbed it.

"Take it off"He said.
"Ok."I said.

I took it off. Why is he acting so strange?

"Can I put on cloths?"I asked.
"Why?"He asked.
"So would you like it if I walked outside Naked with people watching me?"I asked.
"No."He said.
"Good."I said.

I took my cloths and went inside the bathroom closing the door. And he took the door knob off once again entering. At this point I don't care.I started putting on my cloths.

"You didn't answer my question."He said.
"Which question?"I asked.
"The last question I asked you last night."He said.
"So what's your answer?"He asked.
"Yes, I liked it very much."I said.
"Would you want to do that again?"He asked.
"Since when are you this polite!?"I asked him.
"What do you mean?"He asked.

I walked ever to him.

"Are you ok?"I asked.
"Yeah. And what's wrong with being polite?"He asked.
"Your just not normally like this."I said.
"How could you be so sure?"He asked.
"My mood can change whenever."He said.
"So you'll just act totally different."
"It's just how I am."He said.
"So you can get really angry, really loving, and really sweet, and really protective. Right now your being questiony and demanding."I said.
"What's wrong with that?"He asked.
"Stop asking me question."I said.
"Do you not like it when I do?"He asked.
"Yeah I guess but it's kind of anything."I said.
"How comes?"He asked.
"Because you won't stop."I said.
"Did you know that you look cute when you whine?"He asked.
"No I didn't."I said,

I walked out of the bathroom and he followed. I put on my shoes.

"Do you have anymore questions you'd like to ask?."I asked.
"I don't know."He said.
"ok. Um aren't you planning on..."I said.

He ran away. He was gone for a minute and in that one minute I got properly ready.He came back he was dressed.And smelled really nice.

"Would you please live with me?"He asked.
"Yes."I said.
"Will you stay with me forever?"He asked.

Oh Lord.

"Yes."I said.

I went downstairs where I saw Candy and Mark talking about something, Nathan followed.

"Good morning."Candy said.
"Good morning."I told her,
"Would you be with me if I was a criminal?"Nathan asked.
"Why are you asking her questions?"Mark asked Nathan.
"Why don't you mind your own business!"Nathan said to Mark.

I smiled.

"Thank you so much Mark!"I said.
"ok"Mark said confused.
"Hey, babe why don't you come with me. Sophie misses you and I don't want to break the news to her that I'm awoke alone."Nathan said.
"You haven't told her yet!?"Candy asked.
"No."Nathan said.
"Yes I'll come with you."I said.
"Great"He said.

He took me and ran back to his house.

"Don't worry, I kicked out my mom. She's not here."He said.
"Oh so the reason you come back here is to make sure Sophie safe."I said.
"Yeah and I pretend to be asleep in my room when she comes to check on me."He said.
"Ok."I said.

He took me to Sophie room door.

"And this is her room."He said.
"I've never been in her room before."I said.
"Well you'll be seeing it now."He said.

We walked in. Her room was painted in red. With a red carpet. There was a little bit of grey and black too but mostly red.

"She's likes the colour red."He said.
"Why?"I asked.
"Because she also like blood."He said.
"Oh."I said.
"The signature colour for Vampires is black."
"Why black?"I asked.
"Lets just say it represents how dark we are and how we blend in with anything."He said.
"Oh."I said.

He pulled me closer to him.

"What's your favourite colour?"He asked.
"The colour of your eyes."I said.

Sophie walked inside the room.


I stepped away from him as she rushed over to him jumping up on him giving him a hug. I smiled.
"I missed you too Sophie"He said.
"How long have you been awoke?"She asked as he put her down.
"A day ago."He said.
"And Lana you came back!"She said also giving me a hug.

I smiled.

"So nobody isn't going to actually leave me."She said.
"I told you."I said.

She smiles at me. And her eyes had a little flash.

"Did you see that?"I asked Nathan.
"Yeah."He said.
"What?"Sophie asked.

Then she started crying in pain and used her hand to cover her eyes.

"Sophie!"I said.

I feld on to her.

"What's going on!?"Nathan asked.
"It burns!"Sophie cried.
"What?"Nathan asked.
"My eyes",she said.
"Fight it."Nathan said.

She cried even louder. Then she stopped.

"Is it now gone?"I asked.

Sophie remover her hands from her face and slowly opened her eyes. It was Red anymore. Her eyes where Brown.

"You eyes have change its colour."Nathan said.
"Really?"She asked in excitement and dashed over to a mirror to see only to realize that she doesn't have a reflection.
"Oh."She said.
"Your eyes are Brown."I said.
"Just like you said."She said.
"Um Sophie do you think you could switch back to your red eyes?"Nathan asked.
"I don't know."She said.

She tried doing it, but she couldn't.

"I can't."She said.
"Seems like your eyes will be stuck that way for a while."Nathan said.
"I can defiantly live with that."Sophie said
"of course you can."I said.
"Do you think I can go to public school now?"She asked.
"Your eyes may have changed but, you are still out of control at some point."Nathan said.
"But she was in full control at the park."I said.
"And she wasn't, the night we killed the hunters."He said.
"Maybe she gets out of control when she's angry."I said.
"Well going to school is going to make her a lot angrier."He said.
"How comes?"I asked.
"She'll meet friends some will be fake some will betray her. Then she'll kill them. And don't get me started on the teachers."Nathan said.
"Ok, I guess you have a point."I said.
"What if I learned to control it."Sophie asked.
"Then you'd be able to go."Nathan said.
"Yes! Alright I have planning to do, Out of my room"She demanded.

Nathan and I walked out.

"See that was so ba-"

He cutted me off with a kiss.

"I have no idea why you've been acting this way but please don't stop."I said.
"I won't."He said.

He took me by my waste and started kissing me again.