

Bright and Sunny Morning 🌞
It was a bright and sunny day when I woke up and started admiring john sleeping like a baby,I smiled as I removed myself from under the coverd up sheet and went to the bathroom to shower up and brush my teeth,After I finished bathe I dried off and head back to the room and applied my makeup before I get dressed,I first check the makeup sponge box along with the brushes then I check my makeup kit and picked out every makeup I will be using,So i choose the mascara,lip gloss, foundation,eye shadow, eyeliner,lip liner,mosteriser,concealer,and bronzer.I began moisturizing my face before I applied foundation that matches my skin tone I used one of my sponge to blend in my foundation then i applied my concealer with my small brush and I finished off everything by 8:00 am and john or kids haven't woken up as yet.i got dressed and went downstairs to make breakfast when I realized I just rememberd actually how to applied makeup but hopefully I remember how to make breakfast,I laugh to myself and went straight in the kitchen since Christmas is right around the corner i decided to make two cute Christmas pan cake and Bacons with strawberries for Sally and raspberries for mally i had to used wipecream to finish the design with.After fifteen minutes of preparing breakfast for the kids i placed them on the table and pour out some orange juice for them.I went upstairs into the kids room and woke them up for breakfast.Its now 9:01 am and john haven't woken up so I went back down stairs and didn't knew what to make for john breakfast so i open the refrigerator , I found eggs and plantain so I made enough eggs,bacon,tea,plantain,ban cake amd some fruits(strawberries,slice banana, chop peach and some cube pineapples).while I was making breakfast for john the kids already finished there's and already went back in their room."Hunny your breakfast is ready",I shouted from down stairs but he didn't heard so I had to go upstairs and woke him up,He finally woken up and stretch while yawning,"Hey good morning sweetie"he said to me. I made breakfast.He smiled and said "for real you made breakfast? and what about the kids?"They ate already and in their room playing with their toys",I said to me.I went back downstairs to pour out some tea for us in two tea cups and placed them on the table with our breakfast.John made it downstairs and as we sat at the table eating ,We start talking."Guess what john"i said to him,"What babe?" he replied,So this morning I remembered how to do my makeup,He holded my hand and said "I'm really proud of you".He got up and took our plate and tea cups to the kitchen sink and washed them up while I went to the living room so I could watch back my movie(locket &key).The kids came downstairs and join us,We sat there for one hour watching the movie then suddenly we heard a ding ding ding ding at the door,John and the kids got up and open the door Grandmaaa they both shouted before hugging her.
come back for part five
Will she remember her mother or will she not?
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© Annastacia smith