

the pain of living on earth
I lay on my bed everyday,because thats the only thing i can do for now. Knowing all the difficuties of life, and i ask when would all this pain go away. When would my face be filled with laughter, and i ask not even for myself but for thoese around me..The poeple i sit every day to wacth, how the society has delt with them. They only listen to their story, and be like i have heard this before.You are not the only one going through it,and i said to my self, if they have heard the story, have they been through the part we went through.Can they just step in my shoes ,and see if it will fit. Life is a puzzle that only ends in death. Many people that follow the path of truth never unravle this puzzle. Because i have seen so many people,that does only bad things in life and yet they survive,the hardship of life. But the once that stay true to themself, always strogule till the end.I dont know if you belive in God cus i dont.Knowing that from birth i have been enslave by the evil deeds of men, and my friend expirence worst things,, and till date she is still fighting to be free. This makes me belive that thier is no God, maybe thier is, but then, he chooses the people he wants to be kind to, and leaves us behind. I just hope one day we dont get to commit succide, because that would be the only option left. For our body soul and heart cant take the pain we go through everyday.Most expecially when the past comes to hit us like a bomb, and i wold be like am i suppose to stop wacthing movies, am i suppose to stop listening to stories. Only because they take me back to my old wonds, or because they reminds me of my scar. What am i supposed to do! i am only but human, am tired. Sometimes i wish i hard magical powers, or i wish i can become a very bad gangstar, I guess my life would have been better, am too good to be good. lol my words may make no sence,,but tears fall from my eyes as i write them. Only i can understand the dept of my pain. You are only a reader trying to imagine what the writer has been through.....
© princess U #LifeQuote #pain #writco #writers