

Ram went to Dandak van for ten years - Part - II
Khar - Dushan were angry because the reason both are knewed that seeing the hell of Surphnakha. Both of them are first of all send to the to taking revenge from 14 monsters but all the 14 mosters were killed and then with army of Khar- Dushan arrived to fight with Ram and killed soon. Some monsters pass away from that place. One of the Akampan named monster was told all the story what was happened and said to go and sbatch the Sita.
When Ravan went for Sita haran he meets with Marich. Marich was told to Ravan that not do this. Ravan went to Lanka when he heard all the appointment with Marich. Surphnakha was crying and went to Ravan and said all the reason of her sadness and prasing the Ram - Lakshman about both of them are strong and said all the information about beautifullness of Sita. She said that she snatch Sita but Lakshman was scratch the nose of Surphnakha. She was told to Ravan take revenge from them.

Then now, Ravan went to Panchavati with Marich. When going that place Marich form a new mayavi gold deer and roaming around Ram, Sita and Lakshman. Ravan was form a new Rishi and hiding below the tree. Then, Sita was love with gold deer and said to ram to catch that deer. In the forest, Ram and Lakshman was not sure and both of them are not interested to catch the deer but Ram went to brought that deer for Sita. Ram said to Lakshman to take care of Sita