

Betrayal a worst thing that anyone can do with someone. If anyone gets betrayed it feels like a knife on your back. In my life there are a lot of betrayals all of them who betrayed me were my friends. Finding BFF's is not an easy job. It takes time but the goodness of them depends on how is afterwards. People do change with time their behaviour and a lot of things. When you make a friend just have one thing In your mind think that he will change one day he will not be as sweet as honey. His actions would be as sour as a lemon. Betraying someone affects the mental life of the ones who got betrayed. It affects them to another level. Someone can betray someone because of these reasons.
1. Jealousy 2. Other Bad Companions 3. A source through which their mindset becomes against you 4. Comparison and a lot more. We know that things change. But we can't predict the change will be good or not.

What to do if you get Betrayed?
• Try giving them a second chance by waiting for a week. If he apologized be friends again
• But if they don't apologise to you in their second chance just leave.
Get going Move forward.

How to not Betray?
The thing about betraying someone is because of our feelings and our mind. Control your mind and feelings. Spend nice time with your friends and make them happy. But if the friend is bad try making him good instead of you being bad.

Common Mindset
Things change as said before but don't always have too high hopes. Keep your expectations low and your dreams and goals high because if you think a friend will be a friend forever and one day if he leaves you. The pain! You can't handle it. Just think about "YOUR" life and goals. Let people betray but you don't betray other people. That's worst thing one can do.

What Happens if you get Betrayed?
Your mind will just ask you to cry.
You will start feeling alone.
You will not be as good as you used to work.

Any more questions and the continuation will be in the next part.

Thank You!
© K.Mohammed Aqhib