

INNER STRONG-👭Princess 💃
👉Inner -princess - 2/ 👈

" When Your mind and heart art truly Open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily."

Struck by now many women I know carry the energy of "princesses" they seem to be very at home in their femininity but also unconscious of how powerful this is in bringing the positive attention of men to them and helpfulness. "feminine Charm' is positive effects on men immediately and feel very manipulative. I Wonder if you may have any ideas about this❓ Don't blame you as a competent, for not begin comfortable putting on this role. Realize that there are other feminine archetypes and role models that you can choose from that are more effective in attracting the type of man you really want, And still be true to your real self. Think of capable women you admire who have developed deep and loving partnerships. Look to them as your ideal, and model the energy that the embody.

@ Women Voice RA!💃🔏 😊..
© Trupti Patel & Bhumika Patel