7 year Secret
When your a little girl playing dress up princess with your friends, you have all these wild dreams going thru your head of being an Astronaut, Dr, Nurse, Model but I never had those aspirations when I was little, I had told my Mom I was going to Marry someone in the Mafia, then I told her I was gonna have an affair on my husband and see how long it took him to figure it out. Well luckily I did not do either one I was your normal house mom who worked third shift had 4 great kids and I thought a husband who adored me. Until all his affairs started 6 years after the last affair I was still empty, hollow, hated him, I should have gotten a divorce but I felt fat, ugly and stuck of course at the time I weighed 220 lbs, all I kept thinking was who would want a fatass like me with 4 kids. Then I started this New Job and it gave me back the confidence I had been lacking, I was active and my teeth got fixed, I was down to...