

Way To Happiness ✨
Reality is the inner awareness of where the roots end . The more one is aware of themselves, the more the outer reality seems like nothing but false perception . You become aware of the way people tend to do things , the way they see their inner reality which affects their perception of outer reality . This cycle is like a loop on how people treat themselves ,the environment and their future . If the cycle is distorted , it creates a sense of anxiety , which eventually manifests as negative emotions . If one is in control of the cycle, one thinks from a sense of self awareness , which keeps the cycle running smoothly. Reality is nothing but an illusion of self which is created in order to give meaning to life. Inner reality births outer reality. It is important to give importance to your thoughts because it acts like a paint which colors your outer reality . If u think in terms of black and white , your reality will be lacking colors, in a sense that you won't be able to interpret and experience reality in a true sense and if you do then it will give more meaning to your emotions which will thus give better meaning to your life and you being truly happy. How you want to paint yours depends on how you want to eventually spend your time being truly aware about yourself.
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