

Autobiography of an unborn baby
Hi Mom!How are you? Iam doing fine, Thanks. Only a few days have gone by since I was conceived and I am now growing in your tummy.
To tell you truth I cant explain how happy Iam to know that I was conceived out of love. Iam sure Iam going to be the happiest baby alive.
Mommy, a month has passed and I have started to notice how my body is forming.
I know Iam not much to look at now, but just wait and see. I will make you so proud!Eventhough Iam not feeling happy, I sense something is wrong.
You seem to be having strong thoughts that leave me restless and worried, but Iam sure everything is going to be OK!!!Dont worry. Two and half months have gone mom. I now have hands that I can use to play with.
Oh!Iam so happy.............
Mommy, please tell me what's wrong? Why are you crying so much? Why do you and dad argue everytime you mert? Don't you want me!!
3 months have now passed Mom!.You still seem to be sad!Iam not sure what is going on, I am so confused. Today we want to see the doctor and book an appointment for you, tomorrow. I don't understand why? Iam feeling so good but you aren't Mom................
Mommy!Where are you going? What's happening?
Mommy, this is not the normal time you take your afternoon nap, don't lie down besides I am not tired. I still want to play.
What is this thing doing inside my house? Is it your new toy?
Hey!Its sucking up my house?
Please don't tug at me!!!!!Can't you see I am still small and I can't defend myself?
Mommy!Stop them, that's my hand!
Mommy !my leg they are ripping it out!
Defend me Mom!Help me Mom!
Tell them to stop, I promise I will stop kicking them if they do.
How is it possible? That human beings, can do this to me?
Oh Mommy, I can't do anymore. Help me...............
How could you accept it???????????
please don't cryI STILL LOVE YOU
And I will be waiting for you with Open arms...