

tony and gina
at home on a Saturday
Tony is on the couch in boxers and t-shirt, channel surfing

Gina is washing a few loads of laundry

but Tony is really off work
yes really off work

that's what you doing today "? Gina teases

yep hell yep all day", Tony says surfing channels

whatever boy,I'm going to the dollar store," Gina says walking into the kitchen

red hots and Mike & I's!!! Tony yells,not seeing Gina

boy I'm right here,some what?Gina ask

some lil red hot and Mike & i's " Tony says rubbing his belly

what's that bae?Gina ask him as she stands next him

Mike & i's and lil red hots", Tony says soft juicy fruity candies ,he says

you been smoking huh? Gina ask him

on God em, want he do it," Tony says raising his hands in praise

you going to the other hell, I'll be back," Gina says walking away laughing

Mr.Hot Shit
© bag dreams