

Treasure of Blessings
Many people have kinda treasures of unique things, some have treasures of gold, diamonds, villas, cars & so on. But did you know guys, which treasure I have, I has the original treasure which I give to others and in return I also get back from them. The treasure is "The treasure of blessings". The more you bless to others the much you get it back. Coming to my own real life experience, I don't have enough talent which I have today, and today I have at much because of blessings. When I started bless to others it returns in my own way itself. And than these blessings will really work and help you when you are in critical times. As doctors even said that after medicines blessings will work. These blessings even turn major cursed into minor one. And at last remember these blessings is a way to heaven.
© Kashish Chandnani