

A woman I admire- part 1
There's a woman. She visits the coffee shop every single morning for a take-away latte. She wears suits, with pants instead of skirts. And shiny dress shoes with a low heel.

Her hair is short and white blonde, styled into a pixie cut. She's around her forties, I think. She must be successful, she definitely looks the part. In short; she's beautiful, she's wealthy, she's everything I've ever wanted to be. 

I didn't know who she was until I met her at one of my fiance's work parties. "Boss! come meet my fiancee." He called out to her. I was astonished to see her walk up to us. She smiled and for a second I thought she recognized me.

"What a cute little thing" she said whilst shaking my hand "definitely your style" She and my fiance seemed to be close, I didn't know they were.

"What's your name little dove?" For some reason, as I stood there in the presence of this dashing person, I felt sixteen instead of twenty-five. As if I were but a child again, speaking to a grown-up I looked up to.

I told her my name, she repeated it in a way no one had ever said my name "Alyssa..." It made my heart stand still. She introduces herself; Elinor Chadwick, president of Re-All incorporated. She told me I could call her Ellie for short.

That night, the usual chatty and social me was quiet. I listened to Elinor's stories, hanging onto every word she said. But the second I was asked a question and it was my turn to speak, I turned shy and ended up giving a short vague yes or no answer. 

When we came home that night I told my fiance how amazing it all was. I was so glad I'd met Elinor, that I got to hear her talk about everything that used to interest me so. I was overflowing with motivation.

Like her, I wanted to become someone great. 

© Liza.NvK