

2 a.m. thoughts
As the day goes by,slowly, thinking to myself. How can we all allow ourselves to make the same mistakes over and over again?
The mistake to not be loved
the mistake to make ourselves insecure, to hate ourselves, to doubt our relationships and friendships. Why do we keep on thinking about suicide, about death. Why do we feel guilty for the people who hurt us, why do we just let them break our hearts and minds. Why are we neglecting ourselves just for their happiness when they won't do the same.
Because, we are overthinking everything.
We try our best to fix our relationships and friendships, when there's problems in between, we struggle to communicate with our actual thoughts, we become defenseless to our own minds,just because we can't deal or handle things anymore. Trying to not give up, to find the light in the dark, but then,we end up giving in to our negativity.
We just don't know what to do or expect in our problems, but there's only three ways that can help this....
1: prayer
2: meditation
It always helps. When you feel like this,then try it out.
© T.Jafta