

The Beginning
11PM.It was a stormy night. The power blew, I heard the calling bell ring once… twice…. I didn’t want to give up my sleep and move from the bed. But , driven by the curiosity to check who knocked my door at this hour , I slowly but reluctantly got up from by bed. As I started climbing down the steps to reach the door , a creepy feeling swept through me. For , the sound of the doorbell is not coming from the main door. It’s coming from the direction of the store room.
I thought I was dreaming. My feet felt cold from the white marbled floor below and my body felt the chill from the cold breeze through the open windows. The moments of silence of the thick night followed by the rumbling sounds of thunder with occasional echoes of water droplets falling down and all these under the flashes of lightning brightening the scene more frequently than often and after what felt like an eternity came the beginning of one more, the door bell rings again.
A part of me wants to go back upstairs to my room, cover under the blanket with headphones, spend the night, and forget that such an incident ever happened and never come back to this place, ever. Maybe, some of the harmones inside my bodydidn’t like this plan. Cause, I my body started moving towards the sound rather than towards my bedroom. Or maybe , it’s just that idiotic curiosity guy who resides in me is controlling my movements right now.
I started feeling like I’m in a dream again, for I’m doing the exact opposite to what I want to do. I opened the store room’s door, entered and part of me wanted to close the door. “Seriously! What the heck is wrong with you?” I scolded that part myself and somehow succeeded in keeping the door open, so that , when time comes I can become Bolt for a sprint to my room.
The doorbell sound grabbed my attention towards the insides of the room. Apparently, the sound is originating from a rectangular box. I took the box into my hand, opened it and with my first glance at the contents of the box came a cold sensation above my left shoulder, and felt something heavy hit my head.
Even before I could grasp what’s going on, I saw something black coming from above my left shoulder and grabbed the box out of my hand. The next moment I’m on my knees , my head bursting with pain, felt something hot flowing on my face. I realised it’s blood as it entered my mouth and my journey of falling forward began. After a lot of effort I somehow managed to turn sideways on to my left.
Thanks to the flash of Lightning. I could get a glance of that tall, muscular figure holding an iron rod in one hand and the mysterious box in the other. I could only manage a faint smile before he blacked me out with a kick on my face.