

Hello everyone,today I am going to discuss with you about a very crucial topic of life that is knowledge.
So before we start I want to ask you all a question,when you think about knowledge what do you think first?Well If someone ask me the meaning of knowledge then I will say that "knowledge=Brain's capability".Don't worry this is not a math's equation,this just meaans that knowledge shows your brain's capability,it shows how much your brain is capable to understand the things deeper.For example-if you tell your friend some interesting facts about something then what will be his reaction?He will say 'Wow!you are very intelligent',that's another matter that you found those facts from Google.So we are talking about knowledge then I want to talk to you all about another crucial topic that is 'marks'.Well,marks are also very important in one's life.I am saying this because,when people get low marks in exam they say 'One piece of paper cannot decide my future'.No that's totally wrong.It is 'deciding' your future.So focus on it.
Now the most intresting topic here is 'digestion'.Digestion of knowledge,here I am using the word digestion because food and knowledge both are same,this will clear further in the topic.So in digestion of food what we get as result,we get nutrients,and what nutrients we get,we get carbohydrates,proteins,fats and many more.But this is digestion of food we are talking about digestion of knowledge.So in digestion of knowledge we get tolerance,high IQ, curiosity and many more,but these are the results there are certain kinds of processes from which our knowledge goes.Here the most important thing required in both the processes whether it is of food or knowledge,is 'Time'We have to give time to all the processes.Generally what happens with us,we learn many things but after few days we forget all the things.This is the most critical problem faced by students in fact last year,menas when I was in class 8 I also faced these problems.So what happens to the students is that,they learn all the subjects just before one day of exam,and next day in exam hall they forget all the things.Almost 50% of their question paper remains unsloved just because of this problem.So from this we can guess how this problem semms to be small but it is very big problem.So to solve this you have to give time and one day you will become the master of this field.
So ladies and gentlemen learn the importance of time and how, where and how much you have to give time.

Thank you.

© Anand Dwivedi