

pumpkin face

In a lab out in the middle of nowhere an abomination was being studied a creature know as pumpkin face he had a body of a human but has a face of a pumpkin and had yellow eyes he laid strapped to a table his eyes fallowed the scientist as she was walking around the lab checking his dna when a man came in asking if she figured out anything on the creature so far nothing. The creature growled at the man getting his attention the man's name was john thrasher walked up to the abomination and slapped it across it's face but john got cocky and got to close to it close enough pumpkin face retaliated by biting john's face off this gave pumpkin face enough strength to break free of his prison he then took the scientist ripped her of her flesh and threw her body thru a door that lead to the main hall leading to the exit try as they might the guards couldn't take him down all the guards and scientist's died that night. In a small town of seymour a lady named elizabeth was working at a diner as a waitress she was taking a nice mans order when she heard a interview on the tv about a creature escaping and many lives were lost. She got the order from the man and took it to the back and gave it to kevin and alex to make elizabeth then saw sam coming in and asked how susie was they talked then they listened to the announcement to stay indoors til further notice. That night just a few miles outside of seymour an elderly couple was pulled to the side of the road fixing a tire jose's wife was sitting in the car while he was outside putting a new tire on and as he turned around pumpkin face stood in front of him and put his hand thru his stomach ripped his whole spine along with her head from his body he then took the body and threw it on top of the car. Rachel jose's wife got scared and decided to get out of the car and run but pumpkin face was to fast she had no chance he grabbed her took her to the car and bashed her skull in with the passenger door. Pumpkin face stared at the sign that said seymour indiana two miles away the creature began walking towards the town. The next morning elizabeth met up with sam, kevin and alex to hang out sam was pushing her child susie on a swing kevin and alex were telling funny stories and Elizabeth was standing there laughing at their stories when all the sudden she saw a figure in blue jeans and a dark hoodie stair at her with yellow eyes. She asked if they saw the same thing but nothing was there she decided to just act like it was her imagination sam asked if anyone wanted to go to McDonald's which all agreed they walked as pumpkin face watched from the trees. The group of friends got to McDonald's and before entering sam saw a paper with the headline about charlie being spotted in indianapolis then it had a article about a couple murdered a few miles from seymour. At a park around one in the morning a drunk was taking a piss when he heard a growl coming from the bushes he zipped up and headed into the woods where was confronted by pumpkin face he tried to run but his pants fell down causing him to fall pumpkin face picked up a beer bottle broke in against the tree and stuck it up the man's ass then took a branch a walked in front of him and stuck it between his eyes. Elizabeth and her friends stayed the night at sam's place susie was having a tea party with kevin and alex as sam and Elizabeth stayed in the living room and talked about what's been going on lately with Frank being gone and having to move down here to seymour. Bout that time the body of the drunk came flying thru the window pumpkin face had arrived at sam's new home the boys took susie and sam into the basement while elizabeth ale and kevin took Care of pumpkin face. Elizabeth charged first with a baseball bat she only got three hits til it broke pumpkin face took the broken bottom of the bat and stab her but alex put a stop to it only for him to get the wood kevin let out a loud no then began shooting the beast but pumpkin face was to strong he made his way to kevin he grabbed Kevin's hand put the gun to his head elizabeth however made it in time to stop him by stabbing pumpkin face in the back helicopters and swat along with a research and defense department showed up to contain the monster. All was well except for alex the surviving three along with sam's daughter susie gathered crying begging him to hold on alex said it's ok not to worry I'll be watching as he took his last breath. Two months have passed sam, susie, kevin, and Elizabeth decided to visit Alex's grave while pumpkin face is seen locked up in a research facility in indianapolis with Charlie lurking around.© alex sheckles