

Emma and dark night
Stars are the life of sky and moon is the essence of its life in dark night .I was lying under the open sky. I was continuously looking and observing the movement of the stars also somehow was talking with them being a loyal friend. I was sharing my feelings with them .I was resolving a lot conflicts and bundle of problems to talking with them .I was trying my best to understand the language of the dark night .Actually; feelings are the language of the soul .Moon is the soul and stars are the feelings of the dark night. I was trying to understand this mysterious phenomenon. When I got somehow realization that I am capable to understand the language of dark night then I had my hand toward friendship with that dark night .i started to talk with the essence of the dark night that one was moon .i felt some sort of realization that moon is my best friend forever .Moon was attracting me a lot like a soul mate .My mind and heart was having bundle of thoughts and questions to look at that dark night. Being a real friend a lot of stars and moon was asking about my existence of life also about inner oriented desires .How will you fulfill your dreams to live in a lot restrictions traditions and also handful cliché which are unnecessary for living????How can you change your circumstances???WHY WANNA YOU LEARN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES, CULTURES, MIND, THOUGHTS, AND PERSONALITIES? What happened if suddenly your parents go away from your life? Are you sure that you will find a place in future according to your mind picture? Why you want to get job? What is real happiness? What is your greatest strength and weakness? What is the name of life? Why have you so much rush in your life? Why your minds beam with a lot questions? Why can you not stop working of your mind? Which type of things gives you more pleasure?
I was searching answer to look at the moon and stars but suddenly I dozed and slept. I woke up early in the morning and felt some sort of irritation because I had lost my sincere friends and cannot find out the solution of my questions.
Written by Mehreen Rajput
Please lemme know by comment that how many people have like that feelings while looking at dark night ,moon ,stars .