

Oh drove Until Nothing
I was in some car an I was hurt but I just couldn't get up and go something
was wrong. So I flick my light and I see my legs have blood on it but I put the lighter out and cry how did I get
like this.
Then I think back it all started when I was on a vacation. to north Carolina
The weather was hot and we were going fast down the rode. driving an vibebing so free it was wonderful
So we talk of heading to. there island
but we drive around the lands and take in the sites.
I was in wonder, just enjoying what was put before me
it was exciting an excellent right
And my friend was a man with many
From cooking to poetry his was unstoppable.
But we had went to dinner in a restaurant outside of town seeing more sites.
But this was not like before
It was some people at the restaurant
arguing so we all eating and watching
there show. First it was cracks of hard words for each other. Then it turned in to. words of war and spitting. in this day an age covid 19 you can't. be doing that around other people.
But it got wild and no one expected
what happened next.
The woman and man yell at one another. Then all of sudden it happened the man pulls a gun and shoots the woman at the dinner table in the restaurant. I scream and my
friend says this shit is crazy and he runs at the guy to try to get him to
stop but he just started shooting every thing an everybody. Then I yell to my friend as he is yelling no don't do it I love you. Then he gets shoot up and I
run out the restaurant but he shoots me in the leg and I take off as soon as I get far away from his madness I run
somewhat. Making it as far as to my friends car I had the keys around my
neck me and my friend was dancing
two hours before and he put the car
keys on my necklace and told me.I don't have a ring but you can have my
car keys. And if you fall out of love with me I will be car less baby. Then we kiss like no tomorrow. Who knew that this would be our last kiss an dance forever. Who could have known this would happen and change our lives around for the worst. But it happened in an instant he played on the floor. Trying to grab air in his lungs in a mess of blood. It was like nothing no one has ever seen before
I cried and yelled stop but it was as if
he didn't here me. Like he had his own
plan to stop this man and save everyone but himself. And if I could go back and tell him not to take me to this restaurant I would have
But it was to late and the shoots were
fired and blood was everywhere and
most of the restaurant had been shoot up. it was at 8:00pm so a few were out
but not many and I ran to the car and got down in the car. Then locked the doors and grabbed my cellphone sailing 911 and I say I don't know where I am but the name of this place
is Night Spicy inn. And we were eating and some guy and his wife were fighting an he pulled a gun and start
shooting. Everything an everybody
until it was all blood and my friend was at the table and he got up and
yelled and it would be the last yell which he ever did. Cause now I am hurt in a car out back of the restaurant.
And I am bleeding I got shot in the leg but I got away. Please send police ambulance s an coroner. For all the
people who did not make it.
Then she says ok I am picking up your
address from your cellphone location
And it looks like 10 other people called in about this and we have people on the way out to you can you
sit tight. Are you away from the shooter I think so but, unsure so I say I will look up and no I did not see him
but I saw a bloody man try to run out the door and hit the ground as if he did not have the strength or energy to
go further so he fell down and stopped completely with his eyes closed. So I yell help come out right away I don't know if my love or these
people are alive or dead. So she says ok I need you to keep talking to me.
So where are you shot and are you ok.
No but I think I am shot in both my legs but I managed to get out of there and get to my car parked in the back of the restaurant. I look down at my legs I am in pain but not a lot of blood but some blood. It hurts real bad to the point that I fell into the car instead
of just walking to it an getting in. So I am talking and at that moment I see the shooter and he is running down the street he is crazy. So I pull my hurt
legs into position and I put the key in the engine and I drive. The car is moving and I can't stop I tell the 911 operator with the phone on speaker.
So I drive up to him and run him over
And knock him to the ground good thing I did he was just about to shoot
A mother and kids coming out of a
car. So the operator says where are you. I say I got the car to stop but
I will try and drive back. Once I do
I say to her I don't know what happen
And I back the car up and go back to the back of the restaurant where the
police an ambulance are waiting for me. A police man comes to my window miss are you ok. Then I try to talk and my eyes closed and I fall back in the seat I could talk no more I was gone. Then the police man opened the
door and said she died oh no we got
here to late. Then my ghost saw them
carry me out the car. Oh how I wish I
never went to dinner that night. Then
my spirit turned and walked down thee rode to no where. For will I be stuck in limbo forever because of all this terror an trauma
Or would I be
Taken to heaven and be given mercy
well I don't know But I still have A lot
of unanswered questions which I will never get the answers too at all.