

Reflection of imperfection
Thank you thank you for holding space I'm being a teacher I never imagined would be my teacher. I had a dream that involve children and at 1st my mind went into this fearful place and and thinking what different things I shared the fears from the dreams with friends they didn't see the same fears that I saw I felt this feeling of responsibility and and I didn't understand where I was coming from. Then the other day I was introduced to a little girl who was and is needing assistance with mediumship she sees dark things spirits and and so forth. When I was speaking with her I felt uncomfortable and I wanted to protect her and to save her from everything and I saw something that changed the views that I had on reflection of myself. She's 12 years old that was the age that I was when I left my home in a sense. I couldn't understand why or how a mother could leave her child's and why bad things happened to children being fully open and honest its still something that my heart doesn't agree with but as she spoke I wanted tell her she is going to be OK and that she is going to be and already is more than she can even imagine that she's already shown so much to so many by just being who she is. Absolute perfection◇ Perfection that is well to me it's not so much what we may think is perfect on the outside or even the things that we have. Perfection and being who she is and that what she sees as imperfections what we all see our imperfections is creating and holding space and light in perfection. In that moment I saw this this little girl who was one of the greatest teachers that I have ever met and she didn't even know it She asked what would help keep the things that she sees away and how to protect her and I found that I wanted to say certain crystals and more that metaphysical side that I had been struggling with as an adult perspective . I had come to see there is something very beautiful in the way we can tell children they can be whoever they want to be. We all can be whoever we choose to be! We are still free to explore and dream. Even live our dreams. There is something so magical about that belief. Almost as if we search life times searching for this love to protect us from the dark. This reflection of a child's who is an angel pure in light. We all hold space for one another not even realizing that that's what we do. We search for innocence and acceptance and as adults are such children wearing the costumes that we choose Children wanting to be adults so they can be big some would say tall and strong when the adults need the children they always have. The joy that is such a bright exciting accepting part of ourselves to see reflection of who we are Children angels in disguise buried reflection of oneself. Children who have dreams and ideas and colorful ways of seeing. loud strong voices that just want to feel heard. My wish and seeds today that I wish to plant is not to force one way of being or seeing my wish is that we all get to see the beauty and the magic and being who we are in light together holding space feeling gratitude feeling our hearts that guide us the compass of our soul.
Knowing any monster or fearful place was and is still a young being searching for the presence of love all that we are. It's not about just us or me as one human being. It's the what has been identified through my journey as collective that I have come to see.

She may never know what she showed me. We all may never know or see the impact we hold on just being exactly who we are. Searching for a place to belong for people to see us in the way we see. The beauty in the design is not a tall human being covered in royal clothing to me its seeing Angel's not knowing they are so much more then they can see. The kindness the compassion all around what I see. The wings they bury for us to uncover. The love that has always been there. I wont try and make her see what I see she is on her journey and its honored no matter what choices she may or may not make all I will do is hold space for her. Looking at the beauty in all forms and color in the world. Some places may seem uncomfortable and if they do it's not bad maybe it's a space to dive deeper into. What part of you are they showing you may or may not have missed. How can you see them with less fear and truly feel the exchange instead of saying praying for you or sending you love step into feeling those words. The love that is so selfless and so pure the light that shines through all that is. In the design the children that remind us to be true and never forget the real authentic you. Imperfection is beauty and to me you are still worthy of showing your light.
© LS