Reflection of imperfection
Thank you thank you for holding space I'm being a teacher I never imagined would be my teacher. I had a dream that involve children and at 1st my mind went into this fearful place and and thinking what different things I shared the fears from the dreams with friends they didn't see the same fears that I saw I felt this feeling of responsibility and and I didn't understand where I was coming from. Then the other day I was introduced to a little girl who was and is needing assistance with mediumship she sees dark things spirits and and so forth. When I was speaking with her I felt uncomfortable and I wanted to protect her and to save her from everything and I saw something that changed the views that I had on reflection of myself. She's 12 years old that was the age that I was when I left my home in a sense. I couldn't understand why or how a mother could leave her child's and why bad things happened to children being fully open and honest its still something that my heart doesn't agree with but as she spoke I wanted tell her she is going to be OK and that she is going to be and already is more than she can even imagine that she's already shown so much...