

My mother
A day was made when a girl was born into a family in a big or small world, from her childhood till date she has been a special person in the life of everyone. She has been a blessed child to her family, friends, neighbors, world and the earth, she has been loved .A young lady which is wanted by everyone she came across her friends always evnyed her because she was too good to be true she is an angel in human form.
Her smile, her dressing, her life style was so beautiful. She wants the best for everyone and always tried her best to be the best. A woman with the heart of gold she is priceless and loving always smiling words can't describe her. This act of hers has brought so many good deeds to both her and her family infact everyone that has come in contact with her.
If you many know I've experienced this love and special life of hers. She is my mother ❤️she have given up everything just make me smile on this special day I'm wishing her a happy birthday. Happy birthday to those which their birthday is today I'm wishing them a long life and prosperity ❤️ many more years to come. And to mothers that struggles night and day to make their families the best I wish you all the best.
One love to all the mothers 🥺I know today isn't mother's day 😂😂😂🥰 but I still love mothers all around the world.