

On Meeting them (part 1)

Friends are like flowers they bring different colours in our life . Can you imagine a life without friends or ( a best friend)?

This story follwes a young girl, childlike , introvert , find difficult to mix with others of her own age , not because she don't want, it is because of her misunderstanding that they won't include her. Most of the time she stays indoor, that's the reason why she lacked the knowledge of changing trends of her age, she will discover how her perception about others as well as herself was incomplete.
For she has no others job but to stay surrounded by chores indoors the moment she come out , She felt alienated amidst all , this is because of a sudden decision of studing in a far city from her village. Naima's father decided to send her for her higher studies in a city, it was his attempt of helping her daughter to gain knowledge of the world outside beside her own built world.

Her father has clearly observed and knows her daughter's weakness, in a hope of helping her daughter, to make her own place in this society , this decision was taken without seeking her approval.

Naima was upset for she couldn't make why his father made such a decision for her without seeking her approval. Thus having no option left she had to accept her fate , and left for a new journey in her life. For she clearly showed disapproval for staying in hostel or PG her father has no option left but to allow her travel this long distance from home to college. Little did she knew, how this traveling will change her view, how departing from her comfort zone to mix with the world outside improve her knowledge of people and their life... which somehow will help her to meet her own self.

All this time she had not known herself, a childhood incident made her the way she was living all this time . Her best friend suddenly left without any contact. Getting suddenly alone in the school environment, she felt abandoned . That is when all this started and she choose to close all the doors... not only that all the window that could allow her to see the beauty of life. All she did was believed that the world and it's people are cold outside .This safe zone that she has created for herself, is an act of protecting herself from getting hurt of to revisit those memories of abandonment. All this year's after that incident she has lived with this pain. Making numerous efforts to delete that phase of her life but couldn't. Is it possible to erase one's childhood completely? No you can't .

Friendship thus holds a great importance in one's life and it's impact is inexplicable. The chapter of friendship closed before it could open ,in Naima's life. She can't understand friendship nor could make the importance of friends in one's life... All this time she lived , it would be good to say survived for she barely lived , a life without knowing it's beauty for something was missing, that is nothing but friendship and someone whom she can call friend, with whom she can share woes n smiles n talk about numerous staffs, or hangout, and pour all her emotions till late nights. She lacked it all.

Even if it rains it is certain that the sun will shine. This journey towards an unknown future has a blessing hidden for her , that chapter which she didn't explored, awaits her . Her life waiting to get colure by those who will be her sunshine.

(To be continued)

© Rubina Ahmed