

Do not tolerate someone close to you do bad things again and again. If you always say 'Let him be. Just understand him' his mind will be like 'It's fine. I'll do it again. They will understand' at the end of the day if you suddenly interfere to his doing he will not listen to you and he will victimized himself. If you questioned him, he will reveal the truth but also deny some facts and victimized himself and still insist of doing the wrong things again and again. He will closed his mind and feeling everyone is against him.

A lot of people close to him will get hurt. Some may almost lost their minds. Feel like they're hallucinating because of the pain that person gives. They want to ignore the pain but its eating them. They want to ignore it but the other people around them fueling the pain that person already given. It feels like they already trap in that agony that person gives. Because he still doesn't want to admit to himself that he did something wrong that he crosses the line several times wherein he doesn't care whether he hurts everyone or not. Not listening to someone and just feeling himself he's the right one and no one understands him. Until everyone losses care for that person.

Some says, 'Just understand him. You're already an adult and he's an adult, he already know what's wrong and what's right to do.' 'You still haven't fall inlove yet, that's why you're like that'. 'Just be thankful he did not abandon you and neglected you' 'Be thankful because some children out their got pregrenant because their parents neglected them' 'Just remember the good things he did for you and understand him'

Is it really necessary to fall inlove first before knowing what's really wrong and right? Knowing he's hurting his family? Is it really okay for them to say that, that person didn't neglected his children just because they didn't get pregnant in a young age? Is it really okay to say those words without them knowing what's really happening inside the house? Saying your feelings and resentment or displasure towards that person means you're not thankful of their sacrifices for you?

There are some people I don't understand why they did it, but sometimes I put myself in their shoes and try to understand them. However, there are also some people I don't understand why they did it, but even putting myself in their shoes, I still don't understand them because they really crosses the line several times and doesn't want to repent for their sins and still insisting on doing it again. Lie again. Do bad things again. Hurt everyone around him again and again.

They say it's not the parents who suffer the most but their children. It's not that the parents doen't suffer because of unfair life of course they also suffer however children will suffer the most if the parents do something bad. If the children suffering because of the consequences of the bad things the parents did, that's very painful for the children.

His family will forgive him however some will forgive him but will not talk to him ever again. It's because you're part of the family means they will tolerate everything you do, wrong or right. Some may tolerate it but some will not. Remember that.

© A.G