Misunderstood Often
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Misunderstood Often?
Do you often feel misunderstood by others? Are you quiet at most social functions afraid if what might actually come out of your mouth?Afraid that noone will get and you be made fun of or looked at differently..Do you believe that people in general strangers and not Do they receive you the way you do?
I pose this question really trying to figure out if I was the only one..I’m sure not. Why do we feel like we constantly have to prove something?..In my personal opinion we kind of owe it to ourselves and each other. When others don’t agree with us we honestly can’t help where we went wrong.. Unfortunately Not everyone will have the same mindset as us..To be in such a way over violence be good for one another and be there for each by being good for society..Not everyone thinks like you and some may not...
Misunderstood Often?
Do you often feel misunderstood by others? Are you quiet at most social functions afraid if what might actually come out of your mouth?Afraid that noone will get and you be made fun of or looked at differently..Do you believe that people in general strangers and not Do they receive you the way you do?
I pose this question really trying to figure out if I was the only one..I’m sure not. Why do we feel like we constantly have to prove something?..In my personal opinion we kind of owe it to ourselves and each other. When others don’t agree with us we honestly can’t help where we went wrong.. Unfortunately Not everyone will have the same mindset as us..To be in such a way over violence be good for one another and be there for each by being good for society..Not everyone thinks like you and some may not...