

In the city
As he rushed through the village, Aaron was excited for his first day of the city. He wanted to see the bright city lights, the cars beeping in the middle of traffic, oh it was just his dream!
But, just then someone bumped into him.
"Hey, watch where you are going!" Whined a timid tiny voice. He realized it was a city girl. "Oh hello! Are you here to visit the village? It is a very sweet and beautiful village. I bet you will love it here!" Said the happy Aaron cheerfully.

Aaron went off in the train waving goodbye to his new friend (believe me, even she is just as confused as you are of how they became friends). When he finally reached, he was so excited he would almost explode. He was waiting for the train to come to a stop, and jumped and walked away joyfully. He also greeted everyone he met on the way. Everyone thought that he was mad or something so everyone just walked away from him. He slowly became sad.
The girl, Katie, on the other hand, was confused why everyone was saying hello to her! She couldn't believe that Aaron used to say hi to every single person that came his way.

One thought struck both of their minds.

Their lifestyles are different! How were they going act like the other people at their friend's homes? Aaron made many new friends, and Katie made none. She felt very lonely. Aaron was more of an extrovert and Katie was more of an introvert.
Katie didn't learn anything from her experience. All she knew what she did was look at a lot flowers and villagers. Aaron was brimming with knowledge when he came back.

Comment what the moral is!

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