

Unnecessary Past
My dear child,
I know you had your doubts about your birth. I couldn't tell you while I was alive so I left you this letter. Your real parents live in...'
I stared at the unfinished letter in shock. How was I supposed to find my true identity?

Needless to say, I searched high and low.. countless records, innumerable visits, repeated visitations to various departments.. you name it..

Endless drudgery..

And they were all gone..all.. gone..

The fosters, the biological..all gone..

I actually called the looney bin, okay, rehab, whatever you call it..enquired..

And then you called me..and here I am, with you, not bothering again about where I came from.. I just want whatever time we have left together..

A time to laugh, a time to sing..a time to hold hands, a time to binge..drink till we're silly, talk about all that's unholy.. just live, live, live..