I was therapist in my youthful years; when I was indeed in my twenties and thirties. And one of my patients--of whom had moved away from Leincomtober five weeks before writing this letter--had killed himself. His name was Wayland Peirce, archeologist of the United States, who went insane after his strange encounter whilst exploring the newly-found Canada.
Dr. Larson,
I have lost my new therapist, and now I must relate my elder experience in Canada to you; for you would be the only one to understand my position.
Of course, the demoniacal parts of the unending plain of Alberta is where I had gone. I had been in confusion; for I had not seen aboriginals nor their camps; nor had I seen their long houses....
Dr. Larson,
I have lost my new therapist, and now I must relate my elder experience in Canada to you; for you would be the only one to understand my position.
Of course, the demoniacal parts of the unending plain of Alberta is where I had gone. I had been in confusion; for I had not seen aboriginals nor their camps; nor had I seen their long houses....